Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This Star of David is on the College Street Congregational Church in Burlington, Vermont. It contains within it further symbolism such as the triceps-a symbol of divine power-which is a further derivation of the Star of David.In the center is a six-petal lotus which is representative of the sacral chakra. College Street is the cross street representing that very chakra in my Church Street Energy System.
Just down the street is the Fletcher Free Library with this extremely beautiful and feminine sculpture on top. This shows the energetic motion of duality forming the flower at its apex. Masculine energy merges with feminine energy to form matter. In sexual union a soul enters this way into the material universe. Interestingly the street just up from the library and next to the church is called "Union" Street. The street next to the library is Winooski, meaning "onion". The Star of David, by the way, is the union of earth, air, fire, and water forming the fifth element.
On the library also is a secondary display of duality with a shield and three books in the center. On top is the solar symbol, the all-seeing eye and the lotus, the circle and point.
Here we see the two serpents of material matter wrestling over the "mundane egg", Earth. This represents the serpent's energetic back and forth motion giving life to inert matter.
At the base of College St. is the Echo center, a public aquarium and science center. It is next to Lake Champlain which possibly contains a large sea serpent, Champ, whose tail we see here. The three ridges on the tail are in the shape of water droplets, relating to the Rosicrucian Dew cross,the Tao cross and the alchemistic dew (condensation). They are the color purple,the mix of red and blue, symbolizing where earth meets water.
Notice the image of death (this is a kids center!) and the gnome. Gnomes are nature spirits classified as elementals, thriving in this border area. Also related to the human "G-nome".
This imagery is reminiscent of the God-eyes of certain dieties (Jagganatha, Subhadra, and Balabhadr) and has the crescent moon as well. The moom is related to the the sacral chakra and water. There are 13 segments to the insect's body. On the left side is the X of death(x of the skull and bones) and a water drop.
At the corner of St. Paul and College a building has sly symbols within in the keystones of its window arches. Here is a fish or snakeskin (scales) symbol.
Across the street over at City Hall is the Coat of Arms with the flower or the lily, the sign of the French royal family, the Merovingians. Lily=Lotus.
Here is the fleur-de-lis again.
The spiral.
Next to the Masonic temple is the Community College of Vermont. Two seals and a phallus. Go figure.
Get out your soon-to-be-obsolete one dollar bill and see how it resembles this recently constructed building at the corner of Lake and College.
Nearby, an original flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz. I can't help but think of Senator Leahy's mention in Cathy O'Brian's(real or not) Trance-Formation of America. Lots of Oz. Frank l. Baum was definitely versed in occult symbolism.http://www.balaams-ass.com/journal/homemake/wizardoz.htm
The seals on either side of the entrance(En-Trance!) to Union station have Mercury (Hermes) holding the herald's staff. The intertwining serpents are the ancient symbol for DNA. In 1960 Michael Harner took ayahausca and experienced this:"As I tried to accept my fate, an even lower portion of my brain began to transmit more visions and information. I was "told" that this new material was being presented to me because I was dying and therefore "safe" to receive these revelations. These were the secrets reserved for the dying and the dead, I was informed.
I could only very dimly perceive the givers of these thoughts: giant reptilian creatures reposing sluggishly at the lowermost depths of the back of my brain, where it met the top of the spinal column. I could only vaguely see them in what seemed to be gloomy, dark depths. Then they projected a visual scene in front of me. First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky.
Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the "specks" were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. Their heads were not visible to me. They flopped down, utterly exhausted from their trip, resting for eons. They explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence.
Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation-hundreds of millions of years of activity-took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside of all forms of life, including man.() They were the true masters of humanity and the entire planet, they told me. We humans were but the receptacles and servants of these creatures. For this reason they could speak to me from within myself."
"These revelations, welling up from the depths of my mind, alternated with visions of the floating galley, which had almost finished taking my soul on board. The boat with its blue-jay headed deck crew was gradually drawing away, pulling my life force along as it headed toward a large fjord flanked by barren, worn hills.
I knew I had only a moment more to live. Strangely, I had no fear of the bird-headed people; they were welcome to have my soul if they could keep it. But I was afraid that somehow my soul might not remain on the horizontal plane of the fjord but might, through processes unknown but felt and dreaded, be acquired or re-acquired by the dragon-like denizens of the depths.
I suddenly felt my distinctive humanness, the contrast between my species and the ancient reptilian ancestors. I began to struggle against returning to the ancient ones, who were beginning to feel increasingly alien and possibly evil. "
Materialistic "gods".
Order out of Chaos.Notice the Star of David pattern.
This Masonic apron contains basic symbols and can be used like a map key or reference point. The Masons did not originate this system, they are simply the current selected gatekeepers for the Ancient Controllers of the Human Race.
Monday, February 2, 2009
On my Church Street Energy System tour I mentioned that 911 is a Satanic number and someone wrote in noting that I didn’t exactly explain why.
While there are a number of more thorough investigations on other sites, I’ll do my best to give an overview of what I’ve come across.
Numbers each have their own unique associations even on a mundane level. I guess the best way to describe the difference between say 7 and 911 is like the difference between a tennis ball and a razor blade-neither intrinsically better or worse than the other, just not the same.
The Elite understand that numbers each have their own vibration and resonance. Like colors in on a palette they can be combined to produce a variety of effects.
Number 9 is a 6 mirrored. In England their emergency telephone number is 999, 666 also mirrored. In the U.S. it is 911.
Nine is also similar to a spiral (9). A coiled serpent with its head in the center is symbolic of the inward journey to enlightenment. Kundalini is the coiled up and latent (female) energy waiting to be activated, in the human body and, according to some, in every molecule of the universe. In 1960, Michael Harner took ayahuasca and witnessed winged, dragon-like beings emerge from his spine. He said they resembled DNA, not yet discovered at that time. These creatures told him that they had created life on Earth as a hiding place from an undefined enemy in outer space. Wow!
The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary describes nine as an “ important number on which all life is based; found by adding the seven chakras to the two in the center, the star and the lotus, equalling nine; most used number in Egyptian religion and most revered; composed of three times the trinity; completes the cycle of numbers as ten is reduced to one…”
In The Secret Teachings of All the Ages, Manley p. Hall says that nine, the ennead, was associated with failure because it fell short of the perfect ten by one. Also that it was associated with evil because it is an inverted six. It was called the sphere of the air because it surrounded the numbers as the air surrounds the Earth. Keywords being ocean and horizon, boundless just before the infinite ten. Also, boundary and limitation, because it gathered all numbers within itself.
Hall also mentions that, added together, 666 equals 18. 1+8=9.
In the Lexicon of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackey says this about nine:” If the number three is sacred among masons, the number nine, or three times three, is scarcely less so. The Pythagoreans, remarking that this number has the power of always reproducing itself by multiplication (2x9=18, 1+8=9, 3x9=27,2+7=9…), considered it as an emblem of matter which, though continually changing its form, is never annihilated. It was also consecrated to the spheres, because the circumference of a sphere is 360 degrees, and 3 and 6 and 0 are equal to 9.
In Freemasonry, 9 derives its value from its being the product of 3 multiplied into itself, and consequently in Masonic language the number 9 is always denoted by the expression 3 times 3. For a similar, 27, which is 3 times 9, and 81, which is 9 times 9 are esteemed as sacred numbers in the higher degrees.”
And just to give number nine some star quality, in the book Alien Rock, by Michael C. Luckman, Sammy Hagar named his publishing company, Nine Music, after aliens from the ninth dimension who contacted him when he was nineteen. “ I have reviewed information that has been valuable in my life from those people, and they have used me in an experimental fashion… they were just energy” he said.
“Number 9… Number 9… Number 9… Number 9…”
In his book Numbers as Symbols of Self Discovery, Richard Blackmore Vaughan says “ Nines can sometimes be very destructive to other numbers as they rise up to wipe out what they sense threatens something they are trying to put over…Nine is indeed a dangerous vibration that consciousness has reached a point at which it is felt there is a natural right to take over…”
Vaughan later says of nine in relation to fate “ The fanaticism of nine runs deep as they seem to gather all the primal instincts of mob psychology into their control… Such ground swells are like wars, pestilence and famine which suddenly flare up and consume whole bodies of people for apparently no justifiable reason at all. Perhaps what is reflected here… is the dissolving of life preparatory to creating a new formation
…Nine has much to do with the ‘sweep of history’ and the ‘tide of human events’ in its widest perspective.”
Moving on to number eleven, which also encompasses numbers one and two.
The most obvious connotation in eleven is duality, yin and yang, back and forth. The next is the symbolism of horns, the horned god.
Duality is Order out of Chaos, the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Instead of letting humanity generate an ever-upward, uplifting trajectory physically, mentally and spiritually, every hope is dashed in flames and chaos. Chaos imposed by invasive overlords who then “create” a reality more suited to their tastes than ours. After stirring up the dirt, in the muddied waters they form their sand castles. Nothing is allowed to last naturally or to come to fruition.
Eleven appears after the perfect ten. Not one but two, division. Male is one, female two. M.P. Hall says that two is the symbol for ignorance, darkness, evil, contention. He says “ The Pythagoreans revered the monad (1) but despised the duad (2), because it was the symbol of polarity. By the power of the duad the deep was created in contradistinction to the heavens. The deep mirrored the heavens and became the symbol of illusion, for the below was merely a reflection of the above. The below was called maya, the illusion, the sea…”
Eleven is confusing because it is composed of 2 ones (11) and can be reduced to two (2), though some numerologists say that 11 should not be reduced. Maybe this is what Hall is talking about, 2 being a reflection of the one (1 reflected = 11).
One relates to the letter A, and so if we replace the ones in eleven with A’s we get 9AA, two all-seeing eye style pyramids. Since nine is the letter I, speaking it gets an “eye”, as in all-seeing eye. Aya! Maya.
So it appears that nine is used negatively to give the broad mass sweep in a large event, set the stage anew, and eleven is one compounded, duality and illusion once again.
As to 911 being specifically Satanic, I think it is in the use of the number by occultists to achieve their aims and the innocent, though highly charged, number being used as a tool.
While there are a number of more thorough investigations on other sites, I’ll do my best to give an overview of what I’ve come across.
Numbers each have their own unique associations even on a mundane level. I guess the best way to describe the difference between say 7 and 911 is like the difference between a tennis ball and a razor blade-neither intrinsically better or worse than the other, just not the same.
The Elite understand that numbers each have their own vibration and resonance. Like colors in on a palette they can be combined to produce a variety of effects.
Number 9 is a 6 mirrored. In England their emergency telephone number is 999, 666 also mirrored. In the U.S. it is 911.
Nine is also similar to a spiral (9). A coiled serpent with its head in the center is symbolic of the inward journey to enlightenment. Kundalini is the coiled up and latent (female) energy waiting to be activated, in the human body and, according to some, in every molecule of the universe. In 1960, Michael Harner took ayahuasca and witnessed winged, dragon-like beings emerge from his spine. He said they resembled DNA, not yet discovered at that time. These creatures told him that they had created life on Earth as a hiding place from an undefined enemy in outer space. Wow!
The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary describes nine as an “ important number on which all life is based; found by adding the seven chakras to the two in the center, the star and the lotus, equalling nine; most used number in Egyptian religion and most revered; composed of three times the trinity; completes the cycle of numbers as ten is reduced to one…”
In The Secret Teachings of All the Ages, Manley p. Hall says that nine, the ennead, was associated with failure because it fell short of the perfect ten by one. Also that it was associated with evil because it is an inverted six. It was called the sphere of the air because it surrounded the numbers as the air surrounds the Earth. Keywords being ocean and horizon, boundless just before the infinite ten. Also, boundary and limitation, because it gathered all numbers within itself.
Hall also mentions that, added together, 666 equals 18. 1+8=9.
In the Lexicon of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackey says this about nine:” If the number three is sacred among masons, the number nine, or three times three, is scarcely less so. The Pythagoreans, remarking that this number has the power of always reproducing itself by multiplication (2x9=18, 1+8=9, 3x9=27,2+7=9…), considered it as an emblem of matter which, though continually changing its form, is never annihilated. It was also consecrated to the spheres, because the circumference of a sphere is 360 degrees, and 3 and 6 and 0 are equal to 9.
In Freemasonry, 9 derives its value from its being the product of 3 multiplied into itself, and consequently in Masonic language the number 9 is always denoted by the expression 3 times 3. For a similar, 27, which is 3 times 9, and 81, which is 9 times 9 are esteemed as sacred numbers in the higher degrees.”
And just to give number nine some star quality, in the book Alien Rock, by Michael C. Luckman, Sammy Hagar named his publishing company, Nine Music, after aliens from the ninth dimension who contacted him when he was nineteen. “ I have reviewed information that has been valuable in my life from those people, and they have used me in an experimental fashion… they were just energy” he said.
“Number 9… Number 9… Number 9… Number 9…”
In his book Numbers as Symbols of Self Discovery, Richard Blackmore Vaughan says “ Nines can sometimes be very destructive to other numbers as they rise up to wipe out what they sense threatens something they are trying to put over…Nine is indeed a dangerous vibration that consciousness has reached a point at which it is felt there is a natural right to take over…”
Vaughan later says of nine in relation to fate “ The fanaticism of nine runs deep as they seem to gather all the primal instincts of mob psychology into their control… Such ground swells are like wars, pestilence and famine which suddenly flare up and consume whole bodies of people for apparently no justifiable reason at all. Perhaps what is reflected here… is the dissolving of life preparatory to creating a new formation
…Nine has much to do with the ‘sweep of history’ and the ‘tide of human events’ in its widest perspective.”
Moving on to number eleven, which also encompasses numbers one and two.
The most obvious connotation in eleven is duality, yin and yang, back and forth. The next is the symbolism of horns, the horned god.
Duality is Order out of Chaos, the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Instead of letting humanity generate an ever-upward, uplifting trajectory physically, mentally and spiritually, every hope is dashed in flames and chaos. Chaos imposed by invasive overlords who then “create” a reality more suited to their tastes than ours. After stirring up the dirt, in the muddied waters they form their sand castles. Nothing is allowed to last naturally or to come to fruition.
Eleven appears after the perfect ten. Not one but two, division. Male is one, female two. M.P. Hall says that two is the symbol for ignorance, darkness, evil, contention. He says “ The Pythagoreans revered the monad (1) but despised the duad (2), because it was the symbol of polarity. By the power of the duad the deep was created in contradistinction to the heavens. The deep mirrored the heavens and became the symbol of illusion, for the below was merely a reflection of the above. The below was called maya, the illusion, the sea…”
Eleven is confusing because it is composed of 2 ones (11) and can be reduced to two (2), though some numerologists say that 11 should not be reduced. Maybe this is what Hall is talking about, 2 being a reflection of the one (1 reflected = 11).
One relates to the letter A, and so if we replace the ones in eleven with A’s we get 9AA, two all-seeing eye style pyramids. Since nine is the letter I, speaking it gets an “eye”, as in all-seeing eye. Aya! Maya.
So it appears that nine is used negatively to give the broad mass sweep in a large event, set the stage anew, and eleven is one compounded, duality and illusion once again.
As to 911 being specifically Satanic, I think it is in the use of the number by occultists to achieve their aims and the innocent, though highly charged, number being used as a tool.