A recent article by Vigilent Citizen showing the Satanic nature of a Korn video, incuded a mikestand designed by H.R. Giger.
The Swiss artist H.R. Giger influenced the direction of my own art like no other, especially after seeing an exhibition by him in the fall of 1993 at the Alexander Gallery in New York City.
Being a science fiction fan I enjoyed the film Alien by Ridley Scott, who had Giger design the sets and the alien creature, but I still thought of Giger's art as talented but adolescent.
What drew me to the exhibit was that it was a dual presentation of both Giger and Robert Crumb. I was not about to miss the chance to see the original pages of comics drawn by Crumb. It was fantastic! I was amazed by the way Crumb had these crisp lines and very little overworking of the drawings. How did he do it? It just seemed to come out perfect.
After I finished ogling the Crumb exhibit I went over to the second entrance to see Giger's work. This art was of a different order altogether. The floors of at least one room were covered with cast-aluminium planks which clanked with a metallic sound as people walked around. Several life-size "Swatches" with holograms in their faces met you in the first room.
One of these was entitled "Lilith and Baphomet". It was a ten-pointed star resembling a pentagram with a horned goat's head and a woman (Lilith) spread-eagle and being penetrated by a third horn emanating from the goat's head.
I was an atheist at the time so I thought it was just Giger's fevered imagination latching on to some bad-boy Satanic imagery to shock people.
I also was totally entranced by the intensity and scope of the art which I had not understood previously. At that time I had no understanding of the occult and its practical and ongoing use by leading members of society worldwide.
A quick perusal of the exhibit catalog as well as his entire ouvre, and it's easy to see this guy is up to his neck in pure Satanism.
Winged demons, pentagrams, "El Diablo" handsigns, all-seeing eyes, pyramids are all part of his iconography.
An interesting sculpture is the "Emblem For A Secret Society"
The show I saw in 1993 was entitled "Watch Abart" as Giger was apparently obsessed with Swatches-he is from Switzerland-and the word abart means variation or deviancy. Giger was not allowed into the Swatch group exhibit with other major artists because his art is obviously not product-placement friendly, at least not by Swatch standards.
The sculpture "Life-Support" is a large aluminium peace sign (the broken cross) with two arms linked so as to be one, in the manner of the crucifixion, with an intravenous blood pouch connected to both wrists. It was used as album-cover art for the band Carcass.
Although this could be interpreted as Christianity being on life support, I cannot help but be reminded of Arizona Wilder's mention of (real or not) Reptilian entities feeding off of human blood from the Red Cross, so as to retain their human form.
Speaking of the alleged Reptiles, Giger's "Zodiac Fountain" features a pisces sculpture of a combined hand-foot with distinctly reptilian features. First thing to come to mind is Oannes the fish god who came from the sea in the form of both a man and a fish and taught humanity how to build cities, the sciences, geometry, law and all the other crap which keeps us down.
Giger also designed an underground tunnel transportation system for Switzerland in the form of a pentagram, with a large pyramidal edifice at each point, or entrance. It should be noted that he trained as an architect.
Gotthard Base Tunnel
Check out this video and the pentagram with the talismans which he is obviously using to draw down demonic spirits...
Giger was also supposedly good friends with Timothy Leary and Stanslav Grof.
Trans-personal psychology is basically the new (age) religion. Check out this staff, dude!
H.R. is also way into this "bio-mechanical" thing that the Transhumanists are into.
Of couse this guy lives in Switzerland which is famous for their bank accounts and never being invaded during the world wars. It is also the birthplace of the Red Cross.
He has an art museum in the Château St. Germain,Gruyeres,Switzerland. The emblem for the museum is, of course, a pentagram.
Are we talking high priest, or what?
I can personally attest to the almost unconcious pull of Satanic energy. It seemed to happen quite often when I lived in New York City... It is definitely something to be avoided because it is anti-human and definitely anti-God. As an atheist I thought this guy was just playing around, banishing his demons, but it's pretty clear to me that he is summoning them. Who in their right mind would want to do that?