Friday, June 20, 2008

Brainwashed("safe") Populace

On top of the 4 large poles at the intersections of Church Street and each of its cross-streets are 4-8 security cameras. Many people love this, I'm sure, as it probably makes them feel safe. It is seen only as more eyes for the cops. I personally see this as the ever-encroaching POLICE STATE, watching the average citizen for any possible crime, micro-managing our public life, like a sheep herder. I'd rather not "feel safe".
Slowly, we are also being acclimated to the talking walk signals, barking commands in a digitized voice."Number 54378! You are jaywalking! Prepare to be accosted by a Parks Department Official! You will be escorted to the nearest Time-Out/Re-education Center, and fined!"
People just like to go along to get along, I guess.


  1. What's wrong with talking crosswalks? They fill the void when my brain stops telling me to rape, murder and pillage...
