Sunday, July 24, 2016

Vigilant Guard Exercise in Vermont, 2016-Hoax Prep?

A drill involving multiple state agencies, including the Vermont National Guard and the Vermont Department of Public Safety, will take place from July 25 to August 2, 2016.

Under the rubric "Vigilant Guard", the exercise itself is called "The Vermont Homeland Security Exercise Program."

A casting call for crisis actors went out on craigslist...

This exercise is three years in the planning. There are many drills that take place under the direction of Homeland Security and only a certain amount of them will "go live", turning into the numerous hoaxes now being seen day after day across the nation and the world.

The material gained here may well be used for a later hoax, maybe a year or two later.

Burlington currently has a spooky Chief of Police with an intelligence background.
A recent article in the local weekly, Seven Days brought out some very illuminating information:

Brandon del Pozo went to college at Dartmouth and was a writer for the school newspaper and "met with senior editors at Vanity Fair, the New Yorker and other magazines" but joined the NYPD and was at the WTC site on 911.

"the NYPD sent him to the Middle East as part of a terrorism intelligence-gathering unit. Based in Amman, Jordan, for two years ... In 2008, he was sent to Mumbai on India's west coast after coordinated terror attacks killed 164 people there. He used ballistics analysis and other techniques to study how the attacks had been carried out."

He is a writer and thus knows how to fabricate or spin a story -very helpful as a police officer wrting a police report, but even more useful if you are spinning a story like Mumbai that is either a false flag or a hoax perpetrated by intelligence services.

Nothing may come of this exercise, but this is the kind of environment that produces hoaxes.
For some months this surveillence helicopter was continually circling the small (40,000 residents) city of Burlington.

Following a theme that seems to have subsided somewhat, the Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy had a small role in the Batman films, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises.

Leahy also features heavily in the book "Trance-Formation Of America", in which the author Cathy O'Brian accuses the Senator of torture and mind control (not sure what intel apparatus this book springs from).

 And this just in (July 24, 2016) from the local TV WCAX:
BURLINGTON, Vt. - "A multi-agency homeland security exercise event is underway on  Lake Champlain.
The water- and land-based training involves at least 17 vessels and more than 75 personnel from federal, state and international agencies.
It's the first operation of its kind on Lake Champlain and will address natural disasters, crude oil spills, human smuggling and more.
Similar joint training exercises have occurred on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
The event wraps up today."
This may be an ongoing operation, possibly part of the infamous Vigilant Guardian? The name of the Vermont exercise is the truncated "Vigilant Guard". The hoax of the escaped prisoners in upstate NY from the Clinton County jail may have been one phase of the Northern US Homeland Security drill exercises.

Enjoy the show!

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